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Lab Computational Analytics

Lecturer Jonas Charfreitag , Prof. Dr. Petra Mutzel
Module MA-INF 0402
BASIS Link2Basis
Type of Lecture LAB
CP 9


If you consider participating in this lab, please write an informal application e-mail to Jonas Charfreitag. This lab has an upper limit on the number of participants; please mention the semester you finished the masters course “Algorithms for Data Analysis” and a list of other algorithmic related courses you attended. Deadline for all applications is 28.02.2023.


There will be an introductory workshop on tools for algorithm-engineering and C++; most probably in the last week of March.



Optimal solutions for the Multiterminal-Cut-Problem using Integer-Linear Programming techniques. The problem is related to graph coloring and maximum cut.

Given a Graph G=(V,E) and a subset of vertices T called terminals, find a cut of minimum weight, separating all terminals from one another.

While this is generally a hard problem, we will develop a program to calculate provably optimal solutions as fast as possible.

teaching/ss23/lab-ca.txt · Last modified: 2023/03/27 11:54 by jonas.charfreitag

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