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Seminar Algorithms for Computational Analytics

Lecturer Prof. Dr. Petra Mutzel
Organizational Contact Till Schäfer
Module MA-INF 1220
eCampus eCampus Kurs
BASIS 612011220
Type of Lecture Seminar
SWS / LP 2 / 4
Research Area Algorithmics
Max. Number of Participants 10

In response to the COVID 19 situation several date an organisational changes were necessary.


We will give a short changelog here. All changes to the content of this page are also highlighted in red.

  • 18.03.2020: Application period has be postponed to the 20.04.2020 (term 27.04.2020).
  • 25.03.2020: Preliminary discussion postponed. Preliminary discussion will take place in ZOOM. You must provide your desired subjects during application.
  • 08.04.2020: Deadline application finalization (in BASIS) changed to 30.04.2020
  • 06.05.2020: Deadline application finalization (in BASIS) changed to 15.05.2020

On the Topic

Computational analytics is a field of data analytics with a focus on computationally assisted analysis of large scale data sets. In order to make large scale analytics computationally tractable a deep understanding of algorithms and data structures is required. It is important to know the boundaries of exact algorithms and to know when and how approximation algorithms can be applied to fulfill practical requirements. Furthermore, skills in optimization, machine learning, and statistics are often required to succeed with the analysis. The scientific goal is to push forward known boundaries and to develop new algorithms and tools to analyze various kinds of data. Computational analytics is an interdisciplinary field that requires a careful understanding of the requirements inflicted by the users of such methods.

In this seminar we are going to discuss current topics in algorithms for computational analytics based on recent research literature. This includes the theoretical and practical evaluation of algorithms for combinatorial optimization problems on structured data such as graphs and networks. Possible topics include data mining algorithms, approximation algorithms, decomposition techniques, randomized methods, parameterized algorithms, (integer) linear programming, graph algorithms, polyhedral combinatorics, machine learning algorithms, parallel algorithms, and streaming algorithms.


Event Week of Semester Date
Application open 4 20.04.2020
Term of application 5 27.04.2020
Preliminary discussion and subject assignment 5 29.04.2020
Deadline application finalization (in BASIS) 6 15.05.2020
Deadline written composition (concept) 9 27.05.2020
Deadline written composition 14 01.07.2020
Deadline written composition (final version) 16 15.07.2020
Deadline presentation slides (structure) 17 22.07.2020
Deadline presentation slides (full version) 18 29.07.2020
Presentations 20 11.08. – 13.08.2020


# Autoren Titel Conference Quelle
01 Mirzasoleiman, Badanidiyuru, Karbasi Fast Constrained Submodular Maximization: Personalized Data Summarization ICML PMLR
02 Yoshida, Takeuchi, Karasuyama Learning Interpretable Metric between Graphs: Convex Formulation and Computation with Graph Mining SIGKDD ACM
03 Sourav Medya, Arlei Silva, Ambuj Singh, Prithwish Basu and Ananthram Swami Group Centrality Maximization via Network Design SDM SIAM
04 Huanhuan Wu, Yuzhen Huang, James Cheng, Jinfeng Li and Yiping Ke Reachability and time-based path queries in temporal graphs ICDE IEEE Preprint
05 Damir Ferizovic, Demian Hespe, Sebastian Lamm, Matthias Mnich, Christian Schulz, Darren Strash Engineering Kernelization for Maximum Cut ALENEX SIAM
06 Martina Fischetti, Andrea Lodi, Giulia Zarpellon Learning MILP Resolution Outcomes Before Reaching Time-Limit CPAIOR Springer
07 Luis Gouveia, Markus Leitner, Ivana Ljubić Hop constrained Steiner trees with multiple root nodes EJOR EJOR
08 Stefan Voß The Steiner tree problem with hop constraints AOR Springer
09 Xiaoyang Chen, Hongwei Huo, Jun Huan, Jeffrey Scott Vitter An efficient algorithm for graph edit distance computation Knowledge-Based Systems Elsevier, Preprint
10 E. Tiakas, A. N. Papadopoulos, A. Nanopoulos, Y. Manolopoulos, D. Stojanovic, S. Djordjevic-Kajan Trajectory Similarity Search in Spatial Networks IDEAS IEEE
11 Othon Michail, Paul G. Spirakis Traveling salesman problems in temporal graphs TCS Elsevier
12 Louis-Philippe Bigras, Michel Gamache, Gilles Savard The time-dependent traveling salesman problem and single machine scheduling problems with sequence dependent setup times DO Elsevier
13 Monika Henzinger, Alexander Noe, Christian Schulz Shared-memory exact minimum cuts IPDPS IEEE, Preprint
14 Monika Henzinger, Alexander Noe, Christian Schulz, Darren Strash Practical minimum cut algorithms JEA ACM


The application period will be open from the 20.04.2020 to 27.04.2020. Application is done by writing an email to Till Schäfer, which must contain your name, your email address (, your matriculation number, and your desired subjects (rank 3 or more subjects). Please note, that the number of participants is limited to 10 and only the first 10 applications will be considered. You will receive a confirmation mail in all cases.

Subject assignment will be done at the preliminary discussion (29.04.2020). The preliminary discussion is mandatory. Absence will lead to exclusion from the seminar. It will take place in a ZOOM online meeting. Details about the technical process will be given in confirmation mail. After this meeting, you will have time until the 15.05.2020 to finalize your application in Basis.


A selection of scientific publications / subjects will be made available on this site. The subject and a tutor will be assigned at the preliminary discussion (see section Dates). During the semester the participants will create their written composition and presentation slides. During this period there will be no regular meetings with the other participants. The tutors will be available for any organizational or content-related questions.

In a first step, a concept about the written composition must be created. This should contain the projected structure of the composition as well as a basic description of the contents of each section. Furthermore, it should contain the used literature. To avoid misconceptions and unnecessary work, the conception should be discussed with the tutor before the actual work on the written composition is started.

The written composition must span 15-20 pages and must be created using LaTeX (LaTeX template). Generally, it is necessary to make a selection and prioritization of topics discussed in the source literature. The content of the written composition should match the later presentation, although a different depth, ordering, and prioritization is possible. It is advantageous to incorporate other scientific sources. A scientific complete reference to all used sources is mandatory. It is expected to critically review the subject and literature at hand. A complete and successful written composition is necessary to continue with the seminar. One by one translations and simple rephrasing will be considered unsuccessful. Submissions after the given deadlines will be not accepted. Presentation slides will be not accepted for review by the tutors if the written composition is unsuccessful.

The tutors will review the written composition after the first submission. All participants have the possibility to incorporate desired changes and suggestions from the review and submit a final version afterwards. Only the final version will be subject to grading. Both submissions are mandatory.

The projected structure of the presentation slides should be submitted to the tutor in advance to the complete version for discussion. It is possible that the tutor will request further changes to the presentation slides after the submission of the complete slides. Be prepared to incorporate these changes before the seminar takes place.

All participants will present their subject in a 45 minute presentation during the seminar. After each presentation, there is a 15 minute time slot to discuss the presentation and the subject. Attendance to all presentation is mandatory.

Criteria for Grading

Criteria for the Written Composition

  • Layout and formal requirements: citation style and appropriate citation usage, correct mathematical notion, grammatical correctness, spelling, punctuation, formatting, optical appearance.
  • Style and structure: spelling style, well defined technical terms, well structured, concise content representation, correct usage of LaTeX environments and theorems.
  • Content: adequate selection and prioritization of the content, usage of additional literature, content related correctness, mathematical correctness, correct definitions / theorems / proofs, suitable self-provided examples, precise phrasing, critical evaluation and discussion of the content.
  • Independent work style: preparation of good questions for meetings with the tutor, performing literature search for open questions and a deep understanding of the content, justified prioritization and content selection. Attention: Questions and discussions with the tutor are recommended and welcome. They will not lead to lesser grades. Contrariwise, they will typically enhance the overall quality of the submissions. An independent work style means, that you think over your problem on your own in advance to such discussions and that you do not rely on your tutor to make trivial corrections.

Criteria for the Presentation

  • Content: structure, adequate selection and prioritization of the content, correctness, self-prepared examples, graphics, critical evaluation and discussion
  • Presentation: presentations style (free, smooth, adequate and precise phrasing, understandability), reasonable and supportive presentation slides / examples / graphics, that help the audience to understand the problems / definitions / evaluations, timing.

Further References and Downloads

teaching/ss20/s-afca.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/21 10:57 by lukas.schuermann

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