General information about writing a bachelor or master thesis at our group can be found here.
The schedule for bachelor-master seminar can be found here.
Note: Prof. Estela Suarez will have a sabbatical in WiSe 2024, because of this, the lecture MA-INF 1108 - Introduction to HPC will be held by Dr. Bartosz Kostrzewa, Dr. Carolin Penke, and Dr. Ujjwal Sinha.
Prof. Petra Mutzel will have a sabbatical in WiSe 2023, because of this, the lecture MA-INF 1105 - Algorithms for Data Analysis will not be held. However, Dr. Benedikt Kolbe (starting soon in Abt. 1) will be her representative in all matters of teaching. He will provide the following course:
leading to two courses on Master level given by our group on the algorithms track for Master students.