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Computer Science I

Computational Analytics Group

Prof. Dr. Petra Mutzel

  • algorithmic data analysis, graph mining, computational analytics
  • algorithm engineering, graph algorithms and data structures
  • combinatorial optimization (polynomial time and ILP-based)
  • application areas: cheminformatics, geodesy, logistics, network analysis, information visualization, network design and optimization, computational biology, statistical physics, …

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High Performance Computing Group

Prof. Dr. Estela Suarez

  • high performance computing (HPC)
  • heterogeneous HPC system architectures
  • modular supercomputing architecture (MSA)
  • hardware prototyping and evaluation
  • software environment development
  • co-design and application optimisation

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News and Newsworthy

Our Proposal for a Dagstuhl Seminar on Temporal Graphs has been accepted Today, we got the message that our (Hendrik Molter, George B. Mertzios, Petra Mutzel and Paul Spirakis) proposal for a Dagstuhl Seminar Temporal Graphs: Structure, Algorithms, Applications has been accepted by the Schloss Dagstuhl's Scientific Directorate. Next we will start fixing the week.

Two Job Positions (Research Associate E13) at HPC/A-Lab The High Performance Computing & Analytics Lab has two open job positions (E13). The first positions (temporary until Dec 2027, but prolongation expected) is intended to strengthen the area of performance analysis and optimization of software within the HPC context. The second position (temporary until Dec 2028) is located within the DH-NRW-funded |HPC.NRW project]] and is intended to support AI users in using AI methods efficiently. If your are interested and have some question, feel free to ask Petra Mutzel (

23rd Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA 2025) The Symposium of Experimental Algorithms 2025 (SEA 2025) will take place from 22 to 24 July 2025 in Venice, Italy. SEA aims to attract papers from the Computer Science community, the Operations Research/Mathematical Programming community and any other scientific community that is concerned with the main theme of the symposium, namely the role of experimentation and of algorithm engineering techniques in the design and evaluation of algorithms and data structures. The co-chairs Petra Mutzel and Nicola Prezza look forward to your submission.

Our team has won the PACE Challenge 2024 The ninth iteration of PACE, the Parameterized Algorithms and Computational Experiments Challenge was to find an ordering of the nodes of a bipartite graph on two layers, with one of the layers fixed, so that the number of edge crossings is minimized. Our team (Paul Juenger, Michael Juenger, Gerhard Reinelt, Petra Mutzel) won the first prize on the exact track and the third price on the parameterized track.

Workshop on Geometric Graphs We will organize an internal Workshop on Geometric Graphs within our DFG funded Research Unit Algorithmic Data Analysis for Geodesy (AlgoForGe). We welcome our external guests Bernardo Abrego (California State University, Northridge CA), Silvia Fernández-Merchant (California State University, Northridge CA), David Flores-Peñaloza (Ciudad Universitaria CDMX, Mexico), and Andre Nusser (COATI, Sophia Antipolis Cedex).

Invited talk by Prof. Thomas Eiter (Tu Wien) in Colloquium We welcome Prof. Thomas Eiter (TU Wien), who will provide a talk titled “Adaptive Large-Neighbourhood Search for Optimisation in Answer-Set Programming“ within the CS Colloquium and the Lamarr seminar talk on June 21, 2024. For more information, see here.

New Papers Accepted for Publication at International Conferences All of our current PhD students and two of our WHF students are co-authors of papers that have just been accepted at international conferences. The paper titled “SAT Encoding of Partial Ordering Models for Graph Coloring Problems”, co-authored by Daniel Faber, Adalat Jabrayilov, and Petra Mutzel, just got accepted at the 27th International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT 2024, to be held in Pune, India). The papers by Philip Mayer and Petra Mutzel on “Engineering an A-Star Algorithm for the Flip Distance of Plane Triangulations” and by Jonas Charfreitag, Christine Dahn, Michael Kaibel, Philip Mayer, Petra Mutzel, and Lukas Schürmann titled “Separator based Data Reduction for the Maximum Cut Problem” will be published at the International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA 2024, to be held in Vienna, Austria). Congratulations to all of them!

Three new Members Welcome to our new group members. All of them started on December 1st, 2023: Jonas Sauer (previously at KIT) works in algorithm engineering, has done his Ph.D. with Prof. Dorothea Wagner at KIT, and is interested in all kinds of shortest path computations including multi-criteria optimization. Dr. Benedikt Kolbe was previously in the group of Prof. Anne Driemel (at HCM and Abt. 5) and is interested in hyperbolic geometry and computational geometry. Both new PostDocs will be part of our DFG research unit AlgoForGe. Moreover, Christiane Stuke will support our group as our new secretary. Welcome to all three!

Inauguration of our new HPC system Marvin October 20, 2023, we celebrated the inauguration of Marvin]], which is the first large central High Performance Computing system of the University of Bonn. Marvin has strong CPU-parts as well as large GPU-modules, and it will be open up new possibilities for large scale computations including simulations and AI/ML to all members of the University of Bonn. One of the GPU modules is on the TOP500 list (ranked 423), and ranked 34 on the GREEN500 list. For a short movie, see here.

Petra Mutzel reappointed to CISPA supervisory board The general meeting of the shareholders (Gesellschafterversammlung) of the Helmholtz Institute CISPA gGmbH has reappointed Prof. Dr. Petra Mutzel into the supervisory board. CISPA is the important national institution for Information security in Germany, and is part of the Helmholtz Association. The director Prof. Dr. Michael Backes since its foundation in 2011 formed it into a world-leading research center in information security including cybersecurity, privacy, and artificial intelligence. For more information, see Webpage of CISPA.

Hausdorff School: Formal Mathematics and Computer-Assisted Proving On September 18-22, 2023, the Hausdorff School on Formal Mathematics and Computer-Assisted Proving takes place. We are looking forward to the lecture series by Jeremy Avigad (CMU), Alexander Bentkamp (Düsseldorf University), Floris van Doorn (University of Paris-Saclay), and Adam Zsolt Wagner (Worcester Polytechnic Institute), which will cover the topics from (type-theoretic) foundations of (interactive) theorem provers to machine learning for theorem proving. We will also look into specific software lime LEAN. The school has been organized by Prof. Philipp Hieronymi, Prof. Peter Koepke, Prof. Petra Mutzel, and Prof. Heiko Röglin. For more information, see Webpage of the School.

Paper on temporal graphs at KDD: Our paper titled A Higher-Order Temporal H-Index for Evolving Networks by Lutz Oettershagen, Nils M. Kriege and P. Mutzel has been accepted for publication at the 29th SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD 2023). This conference is one of the leading conferences in this area (core rank A*). In our work we generalize the n-th order H-index (a useful centrality measure for static graphs) for temporal networks and define corresponding temporal centrality measures and decompositions. Moreover, we suggest (streaming) algorithms for their efficient computation, and evaluate our methods.

HCM Retreat: We had great presentations and planned the future of our Hausdorff center for Mathematics (Cluster of Excellence at the University of Bonn). If you want to find out more about the HCM, please visit here. [picture: © Volker Lannert]

Best Paper Award at MLG@ECMLPKDD2022: Our paper titled “A Temporal Graphlet Kernel For Classifying Dissemination in Evolving Networks” has won the best paper award at the 18th International Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs held in connection with the ECMLPKDD'22. The work is based on the bachelor thesis by Claude Jordan and co-authored by Lutz Oettershagen, Nils Morten Kriege, Claude Jordan, and Petra Mutzel.

Project “AlgoForGe” funded by DFG: The DFG will fund our Research Unit Algorithmic Data Analysis for Geodesy (AlgoForGe). We are one of eight funded Research Units in the artificial intelligence funding initiative of the German Science Foundation. Press release of the DFG and of the University of Bonn.

McGroundstate Service Online: Our new server McGroundstate for the determination of ground states of Ising Spin Glasses is online here: McGroundstate Server.

New Professorship: Prof. Dr. Estela Suarez is new to the section Computer Science 1 since the February 1. 2022. Her professorship is on High Performance Computing (HPC).

McSparse Service Online: Our new server McSparse for the exact solution of sparse Maximum Cut and sparse Unconstrained Binary Quadratic Optimization problems is online here: McSparse Server.

WALCOM 2022: The WALCOM 2022 proceedings for the 16th International Conference and Workshops on Algorithms and Computation, Universitas Jember, Indonesia, March 24-26, 2022 appeared, PC chairs: P. Mutzel, Md. S. Rahman (BUET), S. Slamin (Jember)

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Projects: Our current and past projects can be found here.

start.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/27 22:15 by petra.mutzel

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